Mr. Charles Syengo

Dr. Martin Bundi

Dr Elizabeth Matey

Dr. Martin Rono

Dr. Evans Chadeka

Dr. Aggrey Mokaya

Mr. Hillary Imire

Mr. Gideon Koech

Mr. Brian Orwa

Ms. Margaret Kamau

Ms. Margaret Gikuni

Mr. Francis Mwangi

Mr. Wilson Achola

Ms. Chemutai Rono

Mr. Dexta Gakuha

Mr. Allan Maiyo

Ms. Irene Koech

Ms. Lucy Wasilwa

Ms. Maryan Ali

Mr. Timothy Sang

Dr. Rose Bosire

Mr. Charles Syengo



Charles K. Syengo is a professional statistician and data scientist with a demonstrated history of working in non-profit organizations. With over 10 years in the statistics and data science spaces, Charles has specialized in Survey design, Surveys, Statistical & Mathematical modelling, Survival data analysis, Time series analyses, Inferential statistics (Parametric & Non-Parametric), Data-driven modelling & Advanced decision making, Data analytics, Supervised & Unsupervised Learning, Spatial data analyses, Electronic Data Capture Tool Development, Monitoring and Evaluation. He has strong working knowledge of statistical software packages such as Stata, R, MatLab & SPSS, and an Expert in data visualizations and dashboard creation in Excel, PowerBi and Tableau; Mobile data collection platforms (ODK, KoBoCollect, SurveyMonkey, SurveyCTO, REDCap & HOJI).


  • BSc Statistics & Programming- Kenyatta University.
  • MSc Mathematics (Statistics Option)- Pan African University Institute for Basic Sciences, Technology, and Innovation Institute, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (PAUSTI-JKUAT).
  • MSc Data Science- University of East London, United Kingdom.

Selected Publications

  • Kamau K.K., Magoma G., Kwallah A.O., Syengo C.K., Mwau M. (2018). Seroprevalence of Chikungunya fever virus and O’nyong Nyong fever virus among febrile patients visiting selected hospitals in 2011-2012 Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. Int J Res Med Sci, 6, 1913-1921.
  • Munyuga, K., Ng’ang’a, J., Inoue, S., Syengo, C.K., Ndege, C., Kwallah, A.O., Morita, K., Anjichi, V.K., Mwau, M. (2016). Co-Circulation Evidence of Dengue Virus Serotypes at the Kenyan Coast in 2014, 2015. IOSR – JPBS, 11 (6), 83-87. DOI: http://10.9790/3008-1106068387
  • Syengo, C.K, Pyeye, S., Orwa, G. and Odhiambo, R. (2016) Local Polynomial Regression Estimator of the Finite Population Total under Stratified Random Sampling: A Model-Based Approach. Open Journal of Statistics, 6, 1085-1097.
  • Pyeye, S., Syengo C.K., Odongo, L., Orwa, G.O. and Odhiambo, R.O. (2016). Imputation based on local linear regression for nonmonotone nonrespondents in longitudinal surveys. Open Journal of Statistics, 6, 1138-1154.
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