The effect of Socioeconomic factors on Severe Maternal Mobility among Postnatal women at Kenyatta National Hospital: Cross-sectional Study
Organizational Factors Associated with the Implementation of a Health Management Information System at Kenyatta National Hospital
Influence of Hepatitis B Virus Co-Infection on Virological and Immonological Response to Antiretroviral Treatment Among HIV Patients Attenting Comprehensive Care Clinics in Makueni County, Kenya
Development and Evaluation of a Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibody-based Antigen Capture Assay for Detection of O’Nyong-nyong virus
Compliance of Hypertensive Management and Blood Pressure Control among Patients Attending the Health Promotion Clinic of AAR Williamson House Outpatient Center, Nairobi
Prevelence of Dyslipidemia and the Associated factors among type 2 diabetes patients In Turbo Sub- County, Kenya
Factors Associated with Complications among Type 2 Diabetes Patients Visiting a Regional Referral Hospital in Nairobi, Kenya
Multi-level challenges and opportunities in providing antiretroviral treatment to adolescents in Kenya
Effects of HIV Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Incidences of STIs among females sex workers in selected drop in centres in Nairobi county
Oral health Status and Its Associated Factors among the youths in Igembe Sub-county
Effect of a Community Health Worker Intervention on Uptake of Breast Cancer Screening Services among Women of Reproductive Age in Kitui County, Kenya
Prevalence of Intestinal Paraistic Infections and Associated Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Risk Factors among School Children in Mwea Irrigation Scheme, Kirinyaga County, kenya.
Prevalence of pfdhr and pfdhps Mutations in Plasmodium falciparum Associated with Drug Resistance Among Pregnant Women Receiving IPTp-SP at Msambweni County Referral Hospital, Kwale County, Kenya
Prevalence, Risk Factors and Circulating Species of Trachoma in East Pokot, Baringo County, Kenya
Factors Associated with the Diversity of Fasarium Species and FamonisinnContamination of Maize Samples from Rift Valley and Lower Eastern Region of Kenya
Determinants of Antiretroviral Therapy Athearance Among older Adolescents Living with HIV in Kenya During the Transition to Adult Care: An Observational Study
Serological Evidence of Chukungunya Virus Infection Among Suspected Measles Cases in Selected Regions of Kenya: 2008-2014
Viral Hepatitis B Genotypes among Outpatients Clinic Atendees in North Rift, Kenya
Japanese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
The Effect of Aflatoxin B1 Serum Albumin Adducts Levels on Subjects with and Without Liver Disease in Kitui and Makueni Regions of Lower Eastern Kenya
Caregiver Factors Influencing seeking of Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) of HIV Services in Selected Hospitals in Nairobi County, Kenya: A Qualitative Study.
Incidence and Predictors of Intensive Care Unit- Acquired Urinary Tract Infections among Catherirized Patients Addmited at Kenyatta National Hospital Critical Care Unit
Effectiveness of a Community Level Merternal Health Intervention in Improving Uptake of Postnatal Care in Migori County, Kenya
Determinants of Moringa Oleifera Utilization Among HIV Positive Patients Attending Comprehensive Care Clinic at Migori County Referal Hospital, Kenya
Prevelence of Enteric Bacteria Pathogens among HIV infected and Uninfected Children in Dandora, Kenya.
Sustainability of Imune Response To Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination 3 years post Vaccination among HIV-1 infected and Uninfected adults in Kenya
Seroprevalence of Influenza A Virus in Pigs and Low risk Acute Respiratory Illness Among Pig Workers in kenya
Prevalence and factors Associated with HePrevalence and factors Associated with Herbal Medicine Use among HIV Positive Patients on Highly Acrive Antiretroviral Therapy in Selected Hospitals in Nairobi Countyrbal Medicine Use among HIV Positive Patients on Highly Acrive Antiretroviral Therapy in Selected Hospitals in Nairobi County
Cystic Echinococcosis in Livestock and Echinococcus Infection in Dogs in Kajiado West Subcounty, Kenya
Proportion, Aetiology of Urinary Tract Infections and Healthcare Seeking Behaviors Among Females of Reproductive Age Attending Out-Patients Clinics in Kinango and Kwale Sub County Hospitals, Kwale County Kenya