Dr. Joseph Mwangi


Dr. Martin Bundi

Dr Elizabeth Matey

Dr. Martin Rono

Dr. Evans Chadeka

Dr. Aggrey Mokaya

Mr. Hillary Imire

Mr. Gideon Koech

Mr. Brian Orwa

Mr. Charles Syengo

Ms. Margaret Kamau

Ms. Margaret Gikuni

Mr. Francis Mwangi

Mr. Wilson Achola

Ms. Chemutai Rono

Mr. Dexta Gakuha

Mr. Allan Maiyo

Ms. Irene Koech

Ms. Lucy Wasilwa

Ms. Maryan Ali

Mr. Timothy Sang

Dr. Joseph Mwangi

Faculty Member


Dr Mwangi J. is a graduate of medical lab sciences with an MSc Immunology and PhD in Medical Virology. Currently, Dr heads the HIV research Division, CVR KEMRI. Responsibilities involve Management and Coordination of research, capacity building and service provision in the division. As a PI, His role involves the whole research spectrum, from proposal development, application for funding, implementation of protocols and research management and dissemination. In addition, Training, collaborations and engagements for research-practice partnerships and policy.

Through the years dr. Joseph has contributed to development of over 10 HIV related Policies and guidelines. My research interest and activities are in HIV AIDS and Co-infections. Specifically, Molecular epidemiology Research in HIV/AIDS/Co-infections, Drug resistance studies and COVID-19 antigen and sero-surveillance studies. An adjunct faculty at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture, technology, and previously Nazarene university Kenya and the Kenya Medical Training College, Nairobi


  • MBChB
  • MPH
  • PhD, Philosophy
  • BEd , Science, Kenyatta University 1991

Selected Publications

  • What are the Missed Opportunities in Prevention Interventions for HBV, HCV and HIV among Key Populations along the Northern Transport Corridor in Kenya? Mwangi J, Muasya T, Mwai E, Kinyua J, Olungae D, et al. J Infect Dis Epidemiol (2022) 8:249. http://doi.org/10.23937/2474-3658/1510249
  • ero-Mapping of HBV, HCV,HSV2 and syphilis across regions in Kenya. Mwangi Joseph, Solomon Mpoke, Dama Olungae, Rency Lel, Zipporah Ng’anga. Journal of biology, Agriculture and health care (2019) Vol.9, No.12.
  • Hepatitis C Virus Genotypes in Kenya. Mwangi Joseph, Zipporah NGANGA, Solomon MPOKE, Raphael LIHANA, Joyceline KINYUA, Nancy LAGAT, Joseph MURIUKI, Rency Lel, Sheila KAGEHA, Saida OSMAN, and Hiroshi ICHIMURA, Arch Virol. (2016) 161:95–101.
  • Switch from 200 to 350 CD4 baseline count: what it means to HIV care and treatment programs in Kenya. Mwangi Joseph, Zipporah Ngángá, Raphael Lihana, Nancy Lagat, Joyceline Kinyua et al. The Pan African Medical Journal. July 2012; 12:80.
  • Molecular genetic diversity of hepatitis B virus in Kenya. Mwangi Joseph, Nganga Z, Songok E, Kinyua J, Lagat N, Muriuki J, Lihana R, Khamadi S, Osman S, Lwembe R, et al. Intervirology. 2009 Mar 4; 51(6):417-421.
  • High Frequency of Drug Resistance Mutations among Newly Diagnosed HIV-1 Infected Infants in Kenya. Sheila Kageha, Dama Olungae, Matilda Saina, Matilu M. Mwau, Bi X, Raphael W.Lihana, Joseph Mwangi, Hiroshi Ichimura and Elijah M. Songok. AIDS Journal, under review, 2022.
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