Dr Mwangi J. is a graduate of medical lab sciences with an MSc Immunology and PhD in Medical Virology. Currently, Dr heads the HIV research Division, CVR KEMRI. Responsibilities involve Management and Coordination of research, capacity building and service provision in the division. As a PI, His role involves the whole research spectrum, from proposal development, application for funding, implementation of protocols and research management and dissemination. In addition, Training, collaborations and engagements for research-practice partnerships and policy.
Through the years dr. Joseph has contributed to development of over 10 HIV related Policies and guidelines. My research interest and activities are in HIV AIDS and Co-infections. Specifically, Molecular epidemiology Research in HIV/AIDS/Co-infections, Drug resistance studies and COVID-19 antigen and sero-surveillance studies. An adjunct faculty at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture, technology, and previously Nazarene university Kenya and the Kenya Medical Training College, Nairobi