Dr. Aggrey Mokaya


Dr. Martin Bundi

Dr Elizabeth Matey

Dr. Martin Rono

Dr. Evans Chadeka

Mr. Hillary Imire

Mr. Gideon Koech

Mr. Brian Orwa

Mr. Charles Syengo

Ms. Margaret Kamau

Ms. Margaret Gikuni

Mr. Francis Mwangi

Mr. Wilson Achola

Ms. Chemutai Rono

Mr. Dexta Gakuha

Mr. Allan Maiyo

Ms. Irene Koech

Ms. Lucy Wasilwa

Ms. Maryan Ali

Mr. Timothy Sang

Dr. Rose Bosire

Dr. Aggrey Mokaya

Senior Research Scientist


Aggrey is an Environmental Health practitioner with over 11 years’ experience leading and collaborating in research studies across various themes including environment, mental health, resilience, sanitation and food security and nutrition. He is an environmental and social impact assessment expert and completed a Monitoring and Evaluation Fellowship from the University of Nairobi Institute of Tropical and Infectious Diseases (UNITID). He has expertise in statistics, panel studies and assessing impacts of interventions over time. He has authored/co-authored conference abstracts and manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals. His present research interests include child and adolescent mental health, water-based epidemiology and data science.


  • PhD, Public Health, JKUAT, 2024
  • MSc, Public Health, JKUAT, 2016
  • BSc, Environmental Health, Moi University, 2010

Selected Publications

  • Clair, V., Rossa-Rocor, V., Mokaya, A. G., Mutiso, V., Musau, A., Tele, A., Ndetei, D. M. & Frank, E. (2019) Peer and Mentored Enhanced Web-Based Training on Substance Use Disorders: A Promising Approach in Low-Resource Settings to Teach Knowledge and Skills and Decrease Stigma. Psychiatric Services.
  • Oliver, E. M., Mokaya, A.G., & Nyangore, T. M. (2017) The Effect of Community-Led Total Sanitation Intervention on Sanitation and Hygiene Practices in Mogotio Sub-County, Baringo County, Kenya. In Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, East African Research in Progress Meeting, Moshi, Tanzania.
  • Mokaya, A. G., Mutiso, V., Musau, A., Tele, A., Kombe, Y., Ng’ang’a, Z., … & Clair, V. (2016). Substance Use among a Sample of Healthcare Workers in Kenya: A Cross-Sectional Study. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 48(4), 310-319.
  • Mokaya, A. G. (2016). ICT4HEALTH: The Case for E-Learning as a Platform for Continuing Mental Health Education in Kenya. In Towards Excellence in Research and Innovation in a Contemporary World. The 3rd Annual Baraton International Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Kapsabet, Kenya.
  • Clair, V., Mutiso, V., Mokaya, A. G., Musau, A., Frank, E., & Ndetei, D. M. (2016). Decreasing Stigma towards Alcohol, Tobacco and other Substance Use through Online Training.In Rates, B. I. (2016). 2016 ASAM Annual Poster Presenter Abstracts. http://journals.lww.com/journaladdictionmedicine/Citation/2016/06000/2016_ASAM_Annual_Poster_Presenter_Abstracts.18.aspx
  • Clair, V., Mutiso, V., Musau, A., Tele, A., Mokaya, A. G., Frank, E., &Ndetei, D. M. (2016). Health Workers Learned Brief Intervention Online through NextGenU.org and Deliver them effectively In Rates, B. I. (2016). 2016 ASAM Annual Poster Presenter Abstracts.https://journals.lww.com/journaladdictionmedicine/Citation/2016/06000/2016_ASAM_Annual_Poster_Presenter_Abstracts.18.aspx
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