MSc. and PhD. Public Health
P.O Box 54840-00200
(+254) 0202722541/4,
Mbagathi Road, Off Raila Odinga Road, Nairobi Kenya
The African Journal of Health Sciences (AJHS) provides a forum for communication of research outputs and policy issues in the health sciences and related disciplines. The Journal is dedicated to serving primarily scientists in Africa and those outside the continent wishing to contribute to global health on a variety of subjects including medicine, geo-medicine, dentistry, nursing, public health, nutrition, biostatistics, pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutical science, social science etc. The Editorial Board will give priority to articles that make significant contributions to the development and promotion of health in Africa. We publish original research papers, reviews, short communications, commentaries, case studies, surveys etc.
We publish Bi-Monthly (every two months)
Senior Editor
Senior Editor
Dr. Lodenyo is a Specialist Physician, Gastroenterologist, and Senior Research Officer with extensive experience in clinical research. He has attracted several international research grants and awards with at least 25 publications in peer-reviewed journals.
1. Dr Steven Munga
5. Dr. Doris Njomo
9. Dr. Benjamin Tsofa
2. Dr Veronica Manduku
6. Prof Matily Mwau
10. Dr Ziporrah Bukania
3. Dr Peter Mwitari
7. Dr. Videlis Nduba
11. Dr. Luna Kamau
4. Dr. Joel Lutomia
8. Dr. Willie Sang
12. Dr. Esther Matu
13. Prof. Erick Omonge
1. Abdala M S (Kenya)
5. Dr. Doris Njomo
9. Watikins W M (Kenya)
17. Mwanzia J (Kenya)
2. Kokotey – Ahulu (Ghana)
6. Dr Ziporrah Bukania
10. Dr Ziporrah Bukania
14. Nancy K (Kenya)
18. Shepard E (UK)
3. Kilama W L (Tanzania)
7. Mwandawiro C (Kenya)
11. Kokwaro G (Kenya)
15. Kaimenyi J T (Kenya)
19. Marsh K (UK)
4. Tukei P M (Kenya)
8. Gikaru L K (Kenya)
12. Thairu K (Kenya)
16. Mengech J T (Kenya)
20. Esitambale (Kenya)
Research Scientist
Tiner Ouma is a Research Scientist at the African Journal of Health Sciences. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Health from the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Epidemiology at the KEMRI Graduate School. She is a member of the Association of Public Health Officers of Kenya (APHOK)
ICT Officer
Mr Alexander is an ICT officer at the Centre for Microbiology Research and the web administrator for the African Journal of Health Sciences. He has more than 20 years of experience in ICT management in the institute.
Alexander holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education from Kenyatta University and a certificate of Computer Studies from University of Nairobi. He is a member of Computer Society of Kenya (CSK). Additionally, he has completed CCNA, MCSE, HP Networking as well as ITIL and PRINCE2 Project Management.
When the AJHS receives manuscripts submitted for publication consideration, they are first screened by members of the scientific editorial team. Manuscripts are sent to peer reviewers if they meet our minimum standard. Each manuscript is assigned two scientific peer reviewers. A verdict for publication is made by the Editors considering the recommendations of reviewers. A verdict for publication or rejection is made based on the scientific soundness of the paper.When the AJHS receives manuscripts submitted for publication consideration, they are first screened by members of the scientific editorial team. Manuscripts are sent to peer reviewers if they meet our minimum standard. Each manuscript is assigned two scientific peer reviewers. A verdict for publication is made by the Editors considering the recommendations of reviewers. A verdict for publication or rejection is made based on the scientific soundness of the paper.
Each Issue will contain essentially the following sections, with variants where necessary:
AJHS accepts submissions written in British English. The papers should have a maximum of 5000 words, including references. Because we appreciate clear and concise writing that highlights key concepts about the work. We encourage authors to structure the content using approaches such as headings, subheadings, tables and figures. Do number the pages but do not include line numbers.
All tables and figures should be presented in APA style, numbered and given appropriate titles that briefly describe the information they carry. We encourage the authors to use no more than 5 tables and 8 figures in an article. These should be placed in the body of the manuscript (and not on a separate file). Any supplementary materials submitted that the authors wish to publish should be inserted in the manuscript as appendices after the references. Title pages should also not be submitted separately but rather presented in the upper section of the first page of the article. They should include the title, authors’ names and institutional affiliation.
They should possess all the elements of scientific communication as research papers, but without abstracts, subheadings and with not more than 500 words and 5 references
AJHS follows the Vancouver referencing style. We encourage authors to consider using reference management software, such as Zotero (free), Mendeley (free), EndNote, or RefWorks, which include built-in styles. This software is automated making it easier for authors to format citations and their reference lists as they revise. References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Include a list of all references cited at the end of the article, in the order in which they were mentioned in the text.
The use of footnotes is generally discouraged. Any such statements should be incorporated into the body of the paper.
All submissions to the AJHS are sent online through our contact email address: ek.og.irmek@lanruojnacirfa. Submitted articles should be a proofread final draft and submitted as a Microsoft Word attachment (DOC, DOCX). Submissions should include the following:
When authors use photographs in their manuscripts, they will be responsible for ensuring that the images presented are at high enough resolution to produce good-quality reproduction in the published article. If the photographs presented have identifiable images of people or reproducing illustrations/figures from sources whose copyright ownership is not owned by the authors, you must also submit written evidence of permission to use the said material the paper goes to publication.
All authors’ manuscripts submitted must include a statement on conflict of interest. Where there are no competing interests, please indicate, “None declared.”
The AJHS applies the Creative Commons Attribution License to all articles that we publish. Therefore, under this license, authors will retain ownership of the copyright for their articles or they can transfer copyright to their institution, but authors allow anyone to copy, distribute, transmit, and/or adapt articles without permission, so long as the original authors and source are cited.
We strictly discourage plagiarism. The authors are responsible for ensuring that all original works have been duly cited. Evidence of plagiarism will lead to the rejection of submissions. If evidence of plagiarism is discovered after publication, then the paper will be retracted from our publications. All authors will sign an ‘ownership declaration form’ for all manuscripts submitted to the AJHS.
AJHS charges an article processing fee of Kenya shillings of 4000 to Kenyan authors and USD 100 to non-Kenyan authors. The fee is paid once during submission. However, fees will only be paid if the manuscript passes the initial screening and has been included for consideration in the AJHS. Fee payment details will be provided at this stage
Authors listed in the byline should all conform to ICMJE guidelines on authorship. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be mentioned in the acknowledgement section. Contributions/support by authors in the byline should be briefly described. The corresponding author’s name and email contact should be provided. The journal will communicate to the authors through the corresponding author.
Please declare the source of funding
Kenya Medical Research Institute
P.O Box 54840, 00200
Mbagathi Road,
Off Raila Odinga Way
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: (254) 0202722541/4,